
The project consist of a 1st collection of 500 unique Pokecoins, a utilitary NFTs to access to our 2nd collection of 10,000 Pokecards created, with which we illustrate by hand and were randomly select

1st collection: Pokecoin

Our story begins with a first collection of 10,000 unique Pokecoins. The Pokecoins are based on Pokemon-inspired NFT coins and all of them are unique and preserved. Each Pokecoin will have a pre-established price of 0,04 ETH.

The goal of this collection is to engage with our fans as well as give liquidity to the project to be able to finish the second collection. We will recompensate with an NFT for those who have minted a Pokecoin. This NFT will consist of a Pokecard, which will be used for the second phase of the project. It is explained in the next section.

Hint: Be sure to select the proper NFT, it is your choice. Each of them is unique and will be representative for the Pokecard given. Take a look at every characteristic related to the rarity of the Pokecoin, it could be determinant.

2nd collection: Pokecard

As shown before, Pokecoins are only the initial start point of the project and are designed as both collectible and utility NFTs. Holders of Pokecoins will be rewarded with Pokecards, the NFT for the second phase of the game that will be launched in a second stage as a play-to-earn game.

The second collection will consist of several NFT grouped by rarities that can be used in our Pokeland, where users can enjoy plenty of benefits as well as our main token... or other tokens determined by the community!

Community is your time. Which token do you want to receive for the Pokeland game?

The second collection can not only be obtained through Pokecoins, but can also be mined through our website by purchasing Poke items (soon to be revealed). Later, it would be obtained also in Opensea marketplace. The cost will be determined by each Poke item and its rarity, and the final price will be determined once 1st collection is completed.

Last updated